II. How relevant are these Christological debates today? Click here to read the reflection of Fr. Raymond E. Brown (Introduction to the New Testament Christology).
III. Some notes for your reading:
1. McMahon, "The Development of Classical Christology"
2. Loewe, "Classical Dogma"
3. Rausch, "From the Testament to Chalcedon" (pp. 147-164).
4. Sketches based on Rausch (FLORES)
5. Grillmeier, Christ in Christina Tradition, volume 1 (this is a book of around 600 pages).
6. Robin Ryan, "Christology of the Early Church" (outline).
IV. Instructions for the Assignment
Read one or all of the 3 articles above (McMahon, Loewe, Rausch). Do the following assignments and answer the following questions:
1. Talk to three friends of yours and and ask them to explain the relationship between "Jesus and God." From these conversations, do their answers reflect any of the Christological positions in debates leading to the Council of Nicea (325)?
2. Again with your three friends, ask them explain the relationship between the Jesus the divine Son and Jesus the Human Being. Do their answers reflect any of the Christological positions in the debates leading to the Council of Chalcedon (451)?
3. Choose any popular novena to Jesus (example Novena to the Sacred Heart), in the prayers of that Novena, what do you think is more emphasized--humanity or divinity of Jesus? Do you think this emphasis could influence the religious outlook and worldview of the person?
4. In the classical dogma, philosophical terms such as HOMOOUSIOS, PROSOPON, PHYSIS are used. As we have seen in the New Testament Christology, these terms are not found in the Scripture but they are decisive in the expressions of our faith (in our creeds, the Catechism). Do you think we need more up-to-date, more biblical, and understandable Christological language or expressions of faith in Jesus? Can you suggest some?
DUE: Submit it on or before AUGUST 9, 2017 (Wednesday class period).